Saturday, April 25, 2015

Elephantastic's make-over

As you may have noticed, Elephantastic has had a big make-over. I've been working on it for for about two months now, and I'm very happy with how it turned out. :) Here's what has changed...

To prepare the big make-over, I created a private test blog, so that I could try out lots of different things without messing up my real blog. I have used many websites for this make-over, but the especially helpful ones for me were and the photo editing website

The first big change is my header. It went from this...

To this...

I wanted a more 'open' feeling for my header, if you get what I mean, because I felt like the words Elephantastic were kind of 'locked up' in the frame around it. I'm very happy with the new header: simple, but cute :). 

Now, under the header, is the pages bar. It used to be above the header, but when I tried out having a colorful bar under my header, I really liked it! 

Also, I can't believe how big of a difference it made when I changed the layout from two sidebars to one! It gave a much cleaner and more simple look.

The things in my sidebar changed, too. I removed the blog archive and added the categories that were first in my pages bar to my sidebar. That makes it easier to find a particular kind of post. I also made three social media buttons: Google +, Pinterest and Bloglovin'. (You can follow me there, hehe.)

The last, but certainly not least, big change is a non-visible one: I'm going to post (at least) once a week now! I used to post once every two weeks, but I love writing posts and I realized that I probably have enough time. I'm really excited to start posting more! :) I'll be posting every Friday.

There have also been some little changes, but this post is going to be super uninteresting is I mention all of them ;). I hope this post wasn't too boring, haha, but I really just wanted to quickly share the changes to my blog and maybe it gave you some inspiration for your own blog, too.


PS. I absolutely loooove the flower in the cover photo. So beautifully pink, don't you think?

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